Shiawassee County Common Calendar Agreement 2024-2029

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Shiawassee County Common Calendar Agreement

2024-2029—Updated 4/8/2024

  1. Start date for all Shiawassee county students will coincide with the first day of Fall semester classes for Lansing Community College.  For 2024-2025, August 22, 2024. For 2025-2026, August 21, 2025.  For 2026-2027, August 20, 2026.  Dates for 2027-28 and 2028-29 will be determined at a later date.  Districts that cannot take advantage of this MDE approved start date waiver due to construction projects will begin no later than the Tuesday after Labor Day and follow the same winter and spring break protocol.  Notification of any change of dates requires notification to the SRESD Superintendent.
  2. The following days shall be recognized and observed as holidays: Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Good Friday and the Friday before Labor Day.
  3. Winter Break dates will be determined in accordance with the following schedule:

    When Christmas Falls on Last Day of School School Resumes
    Sunday December 20 January 4
    Monday December 19 January 3
    Tuesday December 21 January 7
    Wednesday December 20 January 6
    Thursday December 19 January 5
    Friday December 18 January 4
    Saturday December 17 January 3


  4. Spring break will be scheduled the last week of March unless March 31 falls on a Saturday or Sunday in which case break will be held the week before March 31.
  5. The following days are suggested professional development opportunities:
    • Day(s) prior to first student day
    • Second Wednesday in October
    • November 15th
    • Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving weekend
    • Martin Luther King Day (3rd Monday in January)
    • Friday prior to President’s Day
    • Second Wednesday in March

UPDATED April 2024

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