CTE Public Safety

Applications for SRESD CTE programs closed on March 1st, 2024. Students will receive additional information after applying. 

Shiawassee RESD's Career and Technical Education Public Safety Program


Course Description

Students in the Public Safety program will receive an introductory level, broad-based overview of careers in the Public Safety Pathway. Students will learn through classroom instruction, various guest speakers, real-world scenarios, mock incidents, and field trips. The curriculum consists of hands-on and lab-based experiences focusing on teamwork, community service projects, mental health, crisis prevention, emergency medical training, professional public safety standards, emergency management, crime scene investigations, forensics, and professional certifications. Students will also begin working on their portfolio, building foundational skills and certifications mandatory in almost all public safety careers. Classes held at the CCRC in Vernon.

This is a State-approved CTE Program.

Instructional Topics

  • Basic Medical including First Aid/CPR
  • Mental Health 
  • Physical Fitness Requirements
  • Public Safety Career Opportunities 
  • Crime Scene Investigations and Forensics
  • Emergency Management
  • Public Relations Skills
  • Constitutional and Michigan Compiled Laws
  • Leadership and Teamwork


Program Prerequisites

Students must have completed the 10th grade of high school and have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Students must be 16 years of age or turn 16 in grade 11 and complete the RESD orientation.  Year 2 students must be in good academic standing to enroll.


High School/College Credits

Students who successfully complete Public Safety will earn high school credit and will also have the opportunity to earn articulated college credit.



Year 1

  • CPR
  • First Aid
  • Stop the Bleed
  • AED
  • SafeSchools Certifications
  • FEMA Certifications

Year 2

  • Emergency Medical Responder
Blue male electrical cord with the words Electrical, CTE, and Shiawassee RESD surrounding the image
Stethoscope surrounded by the words Health Science Academy, CTE, and Shiawassee RESD
Circle with the words Heavy Equipment and Shiawassee RESD within it.  There is an outline of a dump truck with CTE on top of the truck.
The scales of justice in black surrounded by the words Public Safety, CTE, and Shiawassee RESD
A book opens to show the learning tree, surrounded by the words Teaching Cadet, CTE, and Shiawassee RESD
Arc welders with Welding overhead and CTE, Shiawassee RESD below.

A hero doesn’t necessarily have to wear a cape and tights, maybe a hero speaks up for what’s right. Maybe that hero could be you. If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, you can submit a confidential tip to OK2SAY. OK2SAY allows anyone to confidentially report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at Michigan students, school employees, or schools. Protect yourself and others by using OK2SAY. Because if you won’t, who will?

Confidential Reporting Link