CIP Self Review Resources

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Self-Review is a tool developed to assist with Technical Review Assistance and Compliance (TRAC) monitoring of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and to help those programs determine focus areas for continuous program improvement.

Each CTE program teacher is responsible to update their GEMS profile page and annual industry-related professional development. It is the lead CTE program teacher’s annual responsibility to keep all CTE Program Serial Number (PSN) evidences up to date in the CIP Self-Review.

Please see the links below for helpful documents: 

A hero doesn’t necessarily have to wear a cape and tights, maybe a hero speaks up for what’s right. Maybe that hero could be you. If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, you can submit a confidential tip to OK2SAY. OK2SAY allows anyone to confidentially report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at Michigan students, school employees, or schools. Protect yourself and others by using OK2SAY. Because if you won’t, who will?

Confidential Reporting Link